Tubefilter – Celebrate The Web

Celebrating the Web and Stepping Back From the Ledge

by Guest Author on April 16th, 2010

At first look, it might seem strange that a celebration is scheduled for Tax Day, which still in times of economic hardship would seem like a time to reflect on where one went wrong. After all, celebrations are rewards, aren’t they? We’re not paying anything (bar tabs aside).

Tonight, though, we’re paying our Respect Tax. To the web, to ourselves, to each other.

I’m not going to get sappy – partially because as I write this a raging of a hangover is on the horizon (look for that as a metaphor later in this piece!). However, in her acceptance speech at the Celebrate the Web, post-Streamys gathering, Felicia Day said, “We want to be authentic to ourselves,” as why we work on the web. So I’m going to pound a Red Bull and write this with the honesty it deserves.