The Night Visitor – Kickstarter Campaign Launched

We have officially launched our Kickstarter Campaign to help fund the post-production and completion of The Night Visitor. Timing is everything they say. Well what the ‘timing’ was telling us was this; we had an investor with a great story, a small budget to shoot the feature in six days, an awesome location and actors and a director who had a window of time to do this in. So we did it, we went for it. We took the risk to shoot the feature, knowing we’d have to raise the funds to complete it.

The decision to do so was risky but the trade off was huge, we had creative freedom to make the movie we wanted to make and a better chance to get paid when we distribute the film. But in order to that, we need to complete post-production, finish and deliver it to sales agents and distributors.

We’ve got a committed and talented team already working on editing, coloring, doing visual effects and cutting a teaser trailer for the film. We’re confident that the finished product will be above and beyond our expectations and excited to have created something with so much love and passion.

This is where you come in – we need your support. If you can’t support financially, spreading the word via your friends and family would be much appreciated.

Thank you from all of us on Team Night Visitor!

Campaign Ends May 29th

Check out the Kickstarter Campaign