Taylor & Dodge to sell Night Visitor


Blanc Biehn Productions has hired Taylor & Dodge to represent international sales on Jennifer Blanc-Biehn’s directorial debut.

The Night Visitor follows a suburban couple who hire a new age spiritualist to help their troubled marriage. When she advises them to record their lives 24/7 to help the family, they discover their son is having conversations with an unseen entity calling itself the Night Visitor.

Brianne Davis stars alongside Tara Buck, Gary Cairns Blanc-Biehn, Mark Gantt, Vedette Lim, newcomer Hudson Pischer and a special appearance by Michael Biehn.

Blanc-Biehn and Biehn most recently collaborated on The Victim and recently filmed the remake of Chilean director Patricio Valladares’ Hidden In The Woods.

Blanc Biehn Production’s attorney Richard Blank negotiated the representation deal with Konney.

Michael directed me in his first feature and I got the opportunity to direct him in mine,” said Blanc-Biehn. “Michael and I as well as our producers Mark Gantt, Brianne Davis and Lony Ruhmann are so excited to have Taylor & Dodge on board. They totally get our vision and are the perfect match to us bringing The Night Visitor to the foreign market.”

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