Rogue Cinema Reviews – DONOR

Donor (2012) – By Brian Morton

There are decisions in life that will affect both you and others for the rest of their lives. One of those is the focus of a new short from director Mark Gantt called Donor. Here’s the story:

Sammy has decided to sell an egg, and her longtime boyfriend, John is having some second thoughts, which leads the relationship into a bit of rocky territory.

What’s really happening here is 2 things. 1, we’re seeing that things that affect a woman also have major affects on the man in her life, and 2, Gantt is using this short to make a statement about women’s rights and, it seems to me, the so-called ‘war on women’ that we’ve been hearing about ad-nauseum for the past year! The bottom line here, to me, is that just because you do something, you shouldn’t think that it only affects you…and, ultimately, what any person (man or woman) does with their body is up to them.

Donor is an interesting look at an interesting and provocative topic, it’s well written, well acted and is just a great short that will make you think and have you talking. I’m giving Donor 4 out of 4 cigars, for not being just a good story, but for being thought provoking without being preachy! Find out more over at

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