Rogue Cinema Reviews – DONOR

Donor (2012) – By Brian Morton

There are decisions in life that will affect both you and others for the rest of their lives. One of those is the focus of a new short from director Mark Gantt called Donor. Here’s the story:

Sammy has decided to sell an egg, and her longtime boyfriend, John is having some second thoughts, which leads the relationship into a bit of rocky territory.

What’s really happening here is 2 things. 1, we’re seeing that things that affect a woman also have major affects on the man in her life, and 2, Gantt is using this short to make a statement about women’s rights and, it seems to me, the so-called ‘war on women’ that we’ve been hearing about ad-nauseum for the past year! The bottom line here, to me, is that just because you do something, you shouldn’t think that it only affects you…and, ultimately, what any person (man or woman) does with their body is up to them.

Donor is an interesting look at an interesting and provocative topic, it’s well written, well acted and is just a great short that will make you think and have you talking. I’m giving Donor 4 out of 4 cigars, for not being just a good story, but for being thought provoking without being preachy! Find out more over at

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Cinema Crazed Review – DONOR

The drive for “Donor” that keeps the film afloat are the duel performances and writing. Without them, “Donor” feels like an ultimately hazy and foggy film in regards toward its intent. It’s a film that claims to be about god and love, but in the end I could never actually decide if “Donor” was about. Does it discourage donating eggs to help couples conceive since it may be against God? Is it for donating eggs? Is it merely an objective short film about a moment in a couple’s life, meant to incite conversation among audiences? I could never quite be sure. In either case, “Donor” is a strong and very compelling short film thanks to the tight writing and excellent performances from the duel cast of Trevor Algatt and Alexis Boozer.

Meanwhile, the character of Sam seems to ride on the motives of helping people, while helping herself in the process. Mark Gantt directs the short with great directorial finesse, allowing the actors to keep the film moving along, and it works. I found the performances to be strong and very powerful and they really do add urgency to the plot and ultimate conflict involving religion, priority, and the future.

While I was never sure on the intent of the premise and mission behind, “Donor” is a very entertaining short film thanks to its set of powerful performances and good direction. This is definitely a thought provoking cinematic effort worthy of an audience.

Annie Takes Off In A Big Way -T71 Ent Blog

ATO cover 8-15-2

Annie Takes Off is an exciting new webseries by some pretty fabulous people.  I think many of us will be able to relate to the show just from the description provided on their Kickstarter page:

When Annie Smalls’ life falls apart — with men, her job and just about everything else — she has had enough and decides if she wants her life to get better, a whole lot better, she better make some big changes!  So, she writes a list of the “50 MISTAKES I AM NO LONGER GOING TO MAKE FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR” so that after the year, she’ll be in a much better place…she hopes! And because her new career, discovering new design talent throughout the globe, involves constant air-travel, each of the mistakes she has vowed to herself that she can no longer make, must be dealt with one at a time on each flight she takes.  And now that she’s on an airplane and has nowhere to run, it’s that much more challenging for her — and a lot funnier for us.

If you are a fan of webseries, a fan of great entertainment, or perhaps a fan of both, I think you will be impressed with the list of names involved in the project.  Personally, my interest in projects such as this has been growing since the typical television networks started to rely so heavily on reality shows and it has become so difficult for traditional television series to find a lasting place on our schedules.  I have come to know Mark Gantt’s work in particular through Twitter, which led me to being able to conduct a short interview with him about Annie Takes Off.

The Kickstarter campaign has been very successful and only has a few days left but you can still head over to the page if you would like to be a part of this experience.  I think you will find there are some great rewards being offered and there is a nice feeling of satisfaction that comes along with being involved, even in a small way.

Q: I know that you are very involved in Indie Entertainment.  Why do you feel these projects are important for artists as well as fans of entertainment?
Well, to be honest it comes more out of necessity over an altruistic belief that indie is better than mainstream or ‘studio’ productions. I’m sure if I was getting daily invites to come and join the Hollywood Studio party I wouldn’t turn it down. So it really comes out of the need to want to create and not wait for an invitation. When I first came to LA I had a very warped idea of how I thought it would go, fame and fortune would come quickly. As time went on and that didn’t happen, I was forced to look at the real reason I wanted that kind of success; I want to be liked, no sorry… loved, adored and part of the cool crowd. There I said it, I wanted it for all the wrong reasons. So when that realization hit home, I had to find it in myself to push past any fears I had about just going out and doing what I truly love doing – telling stories. I think the web over the last few years is having a similar transitional phase like Sundance did in the 80′s and 90′s. There, you saw the breakout of the indie filmmakers. I’ve been a big fan of auteurs like Jim Jarmusch, Hal Hartley, Quentin Tarantino and Steven Soderbergh. I think they all have very distinct voices and found ways to tell stories that they wanted to see themselves. That’s where we are now on the web. People are getting the opportunity to make things that they actually want to watch, not what an advertiser or stock holder thinks will sell soap or make money.


Latest Blog Post: June 26, 2012



It’s one thing to write something as your bio on Twitter and another to actually do it. I’ve spent the last two and half years after The Bannen Way release, developing projects for me to star in or direct. The journey at times has felt like I was going to the same well only to find no water. I’ve pitched shows, shot sizzle reels, spent umpteen hours taking meetings around town and developing and reworking projects. And yet during that time, I’ve worked like crazy as an actor and director on projects that include web series, shorts, features, commercials and even a guest spot on Showtime’s Dexter. So things have definitely changed since Bannen. I’ve also been fortunate to work with some of the most talented, prolific and successful actor/filmmakers in the New Media space including Felicia Day, Mystery Guitar Man, Jon Lajoie, Taryn Southern, Yuri Baranovsky and Wilson Cleveland.  This group of actor/filmmakers inspire me to keep creating, keep shooting and not to give up.

I was recently asked by a friend of mine, Marvin Acuna to create a twelve week online course to help screenwriters break into Hollywood through New Media for his awesome screenwriters site The Business of Show Institute. The idea was that it would be a version of my web series workshop broken up into twelve 7 to 10 minute videos that dovetailed with each other, so by the end you’d be able to go out and shoot your own project. I was to come up with the videos and assign a homework assignment for each week. At first I thought this should be pretty straight forward. I’d just take the workshop syllabus and break it up into twelve sections. Easier said than done. So many things came up as I was working on this, the first was my own bullshit that I didn’t actually know what I was doing and that I was a fraud. The aforementioned struggles selling another project were looming in my mind. Did I just get lucky with Bannen? Was I a one hit wonder? If I knew what I was talking about, I should have hit it again. All of these things you can imagine were keeping me from actually being productive and doing me a disservice.

I turned my attention to why I did the workshops in the first place. I like helping people. I love inspiring people, sharing my experience, strength and hope with others. After Bannen was released I had over 40 ‘coffee meetings’ with aspiring filmmakers and actors who wanted to create their own web series. I realized that after even a two hour chat, most people left with more questions and felt overwhelmed. I thought if I did like a six hour course where I walked through our process of Bannen and shared about all the things I learned with others, I could save people from the mistakes we made as well as all the stuff we learned along the way. I hooked back into that purpose and started from the beginning of the process.

Mark makes list for Idea Mensch

63 Los Angeles Entrepreneurs To Be Proud Of

We are about to head on a four-month, 48-state road trip to help people across America bring their ideas to life and shine the light on some of the amazing entrepreneurs and communities. We believe there are awesome entrepreneurs everywhere, not just in the places constantly covered by the media.  We want to help them, and will.

And you know, one of the communities that has some super remarkable entrepreneurs that doesn’t get enough credit is Los Angeles. There are hundreds of entrepreneurs here in Los Angeles who are building awesome companies, writing awesome books, making awesome movies and are trying to solve important problems to help make this world a better place.

Here are 63 Los Angeles entrepreneurs we can be proud of.  If you or someone you know should be on this list, feel free to comment below.

Mark Gantt – Executive Producer of The Bannen Way

Mark Gantt is the Executive Producer, and Star of Sony Pictures Television’s web series, The Bannen Way, created by Jesse Warren & Mark Gantt. He plays a character named Neal Bannen who is a womanizing, con man and small-time thief who wants to start his life over. All he has to do is pull off one more job to pay off his debts.

Also mentioned are Bannen’s ZACK ARNOLD and friend CHAD KUKAHIKO


NALIP Actor Summit

Nearly one hundred talented Latino actors and actresses armed with headshots, demo reels and business cards brought their friendly faces and interesting personalities to the Actor Summit on Thursday, April 12, 2012.  The National Association of Latino Independent Producers(NALIP) hosted the summit to kick off their annual conference-NALIP: Diverse Voices, Universal Content.  It was an opportunity for performers to meet and network with professional filmmakers, producers and casting directors. The Actor Summit took place at the Wizards Theatre on CityWalk at Universal City.

One of the popular panels was on how to use New media to keep careers from stalling. “I suggested to NALIP that we bring in actors who have successfully used the new media to get seen by Directors, Entertainment Executives, and Producers,” he said.  The workshop entitled ‘How to create, produce and star in your own webisodes!’ featured Ruth Livier, Mark Gantt and Julia Ahumada Grob.  All started as actors but took their careers to new levels by creating their own content to showcase their talents.  “These actors grew beyond the “normal” actor roles and became producers, writers, and even executive producers of their product.  Hollywood is beating down the doors to get to these resourceful actors,” Fairbanks added.

Gantt co-created the award-winning The Bannen Way, an American crime drama.  Gantt, who stars as Neal Bannen, the main character, stated, “I couldn’t even get co-star roles. I had an acting teacher who said create your own stuff, build your own door and walk through it.” Gantt followed that advice and has not looked back since. He shared, “I wrote something that was me. After 19 days of shooting, I have confidence that I’m an actor and I’m a filmmaker.” 



Film Threat Review – “A film like this is a straight-up acting showpiece, as it captures a moment in a day and lets the camera soak in the performances on display. Alexis Boozer and Trevor Algatt do an incredible job with the short time they’re given to make an impression in this film.”

Winner “Best Director – Short Film” 2012
FirstGlance Philadelphia Film Fest

Winner “Best of the Fest” 2012
Indie Cinema Series Festival

Official Selection
2012 Beverly Hills Shorts Festival

When Sammy, a beautiful, athletic, blonde-haired blue-eyed grad student, decides to sell her eggs to help pay for her degree, her longtime on-again off-again boyfriend John is a veritable mixed bag of emotions. Moving from anger to hurt, from obstinacy to understanding, and from faith to form, Sammy and John joust and parry in an attempt to come to terms with the ever-changing terrain of their storied relationship.

SNAG FILMS distributes DONOR

Thanks to SNAG FILMS who have partnered with the Unofficial Google Plus Film Festival this year, DONOR will be distributed through SnagFilms! Last year, Alexis Boozer won BEST ACTRESS in the festival for her performance in DONOR.


Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 5.41.13 PM

Directed by
Mark Gantt

Written by
Trevor Algatt

Produced by
Carolina Groppa

Trevor Algatt
Alexis Boozer

Director of Photography
Kyle Klutz

Michael Stratigakis

Official Website:

Star Squad Film Announced

Hunger Games fan series “Star Squad” gears up for production

Wildly successful veterans from the web series world are making a new series in the Hunger Games universe, and they need your help to make “Star Squad” happen.

Dr. Aurelius picture
Woody Tondorf has well over 48 million views on YouTube for his show “Elevator.” He also happens to be a huge fan of The Hunger Games. When he teamed up with Caroline Framke, who writes for the Hulu show “The Morning After,” they ended up expanding on the world of the Hunger Games and creating their own series. Now they’re ready to make it a reality.

“Star Squad” is 3 episodes, but think of them more as “acts” instead of episodes. Act One sits at about 14 pages, and that’s the shorter one. We can probably expect the run-time for the whole series to be around an hour. That’s a lot of Hunger Games and could definitely hold fans over between the Hunger Games feature film (not related) and the sequel, Catching Fire, set to be released in November, 2013.

They’ve already lined up some amazing cast that they’ll be rolling out over the next few days. The first cast member they released is Cressida played by Tonya Kay . I don’t know about you but their propos picture of Cressida is exactly the way I had her pictured in my head.

But Tonya Kay is just the tip of the iceberg. They have done some brilliant casting and the announcements they’ll be making over the next few days will definitely make you even more excited to see the show. I’m really excited about … well I can’t really tell you until they release the names. But I’ll post more info here as it comes out.
